Grave of Munyanggun Ryu Hui-rim

Grave of Munyanggun Ryu Hui-rim image
  • NameGrave of Munyanggun Ryu Hui-rim
  • StatusSeoul Tangible Cultural Property No. 79 (July 18, 2013)
  • Location263, Dongnam-ro (inside Ogeum Park)
  • Composition / area3 graves and 16 stone structures/ total area: 534.8 ㎡

This grave is the burial site of Munyanggun Ryu Hui-rim. Next to it are the graves of his father Munwongun Ryu Bok-ryong and his mother Lady Chae.

In 1560 (15th year under the reign of King Myeongjong), Ryu, on behalf of about 1,000 students of the Seonggyungwan (National Confucian Academy), made an appeal to the king to ban the practice of the Seon Sect (Contemplative Sect) and the Gyo Sect (Doctrinal Sect), criticizing Buddhism. He guarded King Seonjo when he fled to Uiju during the Imjin War (Japanese invasion of Joseon in 1592) and was later appointed Second State Councilor. After his death, he was awarded the title of Hoseonggongsin (Subject of Merit in Guarding the King) and other benefits in recognition of his loyalty.